Tuesday 12 November 2013

Recent Favourites
I don't really know how to start this blog post however I thing a apology would be a good start.
IM SORRY!!! I haven't done a beauty blogpost for a whole month. I have missed it terribly and feel ever so bad about it although I pinky promise I will post more frequently from now on.

I am also considering to start making Youtube videos as I my communication skills are sooo much better than my writing skills. However I feel I would get bullied to eternity by my pals sooo maybe not.

Anyway Enough of my pointless rambling... Today I am going to show you my recent favourites. I would call this my October Favourites however its the middle of November so its a tad late. This month I haven't done much makeup shopping although i've used some new products.

MUA- Heaven and Earth Palette
I absolutely love wearing eye shadow, I really think it makes you look amazing. Although eye shadow can be really expensive and I don't have enough money for luxurious eye shadow. I bought this palette a couple of weeks ago and it only costs £4, yes you read correctly it only costs £4. If im completely honest with you it is incredible, it not only gives you a natural smokey eye but it lasts ages. A lot of bloggers/ beauty gurus have said its a dupe for the Urban Decay Naked Palettes which retail at around £30.00. Therefore this product is incredible. It can be purchased only at Superdrug.

Mac Eyeshadow- Omega
There is nothing worse than a blonde girl drawing her eyebrows in with a eyebrow pencil waaaay too dark for her hair colour. I would know i've been there (insert awful example here)
To be fair to myself this isn't that bad however those brows are buzzing. Anyway to solve this hideous problem I have a bought myself the Omega eye shadow by Mac which was recommended by a number of beauty gurus. I didn't realise that you could use a eyeshadow to fill in your brows but apparently its legal. It looks sooo natural and I would highly recommend it if you have fair hair. Even though it is slightly pricey, I would recommend it.

Mac Lipstick- RiRi Woo
If i'm 100% honest I am not the biggest fan of Rihanna. However she has recently launched a makeup collection with mac and it is divine. As you are aware (if you've read my previous blog posts that is) I am obsessed with lipstick (especially red). Therefore when my dad visited America last month I asked him to pick up her lipstick RiRi Woo. I love it, it is the perfect red for me and its amazing. However it is very similar to Russian Red by mac but I still love it.

Primark Shirts
I am going to put my hands up and admit it, I am a Primark Snob. I absolutely HATED Primark with a passion. I hated going in there, I hated the smell, I hated the clothes, I hated the material of the clothes and I hated the scruffiness of it. I just hated it. However on my recent trip to London I visited the one on Tottenham Court Road and I actually survived a whole half an hour in there. I don't really know what came over me, I found clothes I liked, I didn't want to throw up every two seconds and I didn't feel like cleaning the place up. I found some really lovely shirts in Primark, which were only £11 each. I think they are really nice for the price and even though the material on them isn't the best, they aren't too bad.


Benefit- Boing Concelear 
When I first started wearing makeup, I remember I didn't used to wear foundation, I only wore this. I've obviously re-purchased it since then however I didn't wear it for a while. Recently i've been using it a lot as a base for my foundation and its been hiding spots and blemishes really well and I have really been enjoying wearing it. I know its slightly pricey however it's worth it. I've nearly ran out aswell ooooops.

Shower Gel- Vanilla and Raspberry
If you could imagine heaven in a bottle, it would be this shower gel. I cannot even express how delicious this shower gel smells, I really wish you all could smell it through the screen but no technology isn't that advanced yet. For me this is the perfect scent however if you aren't really a big fan of sweet smells then its probably not the best. However i've been loving this as it smells good, does the job and its a great price. I believe I bought this from Superdrug on sale for 99p but other shops may vary.

Please can everyone check out my amazing friend Renee's blog. She is a good friend of mine and has an amazing fashion sense. Please look at her blog. I don't get too see Renee often but here is a old picture of us, how cute.
HERE IS HER BLOG : http://rosierenee22.blogspot.co.uk
Non- Beauty
Tv Programmes

  • The Only Way Is Essex
  • Made In Chelsea
  • British Bake Off (its finished now, BOOOOO)
  • Strictly Come Dancing

  • Taylor Swift (all her albums as IM GOING TO SEE HER SOON!!)
  • Lorde- Royals
  • Ellie Goulding- I Know You Care
Books (yes I did just say books, I think there is something wrong with me)
Recently I just finished reading The Perks Of Being A Wallflower and for a girl who HATES reading it was good.

October was a really good month for me. I went on about a million job interviews and kept getting rejected however I FINALLY have a job, yay! Apart from that I have been really happy and haven't really done anything special but here are some pictures from october. 

Me on a tour bus in London.

Iwan, Louise and I queuing to see Ellie Goulding.

Ellie Goulding, we were so close.

I decorated my mirror.

Football Match.

Monday 11 November 2013

The Philippines 

On the news very recently, there has been a lot of talk about typhoons in the Philippines. This has saddened me very much as I personally visited the Philippines on a missionary in 2012. I have a big heart for the Philippines and my trip was a once in a lifetime experience. To show you more I have attached a video I made last year of my trip. I hope you enjoy the video and please pray for everyone who was in the Typhoon.

Lots of Love

Amy xx

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