Thursday 26 September 2013

I have been watching Bethany Mota's youtube videos for years. When watching her videos I noticed she's mentioned the Baby Lips lip balms several times. Back in June 2013 I went to Florida and picked up one of these lip balms and ever since have been obsessed. Recently they have started selling these lip balms in the UK and last friday I bought all six. I thought I would do a review on them.

The Price
In the UK these lip balms cost £2.99 each in Boots. I feel this price is extremely good for the quality of the balms. I know Boots have a lot of really good deals for example the other week these were "Buy One Get One Half Price".

Cherry Me
My favourite balm is the Cherry Me lip balm as I feel the flavour is lovely and it has a nice red pigment.
Intese Care

Mint Fresh

Peach Kiss

Pink Punch
Pink Punch is the only lip balm with a slight shimmer.

The Packaging 
I think the packaging of these lip balms is  adorable. I feel like they are aiming for the right market and I feel that they are a such a good size so girls can put them in their handbags.

The Product
I love these lip balms as they keep my lips moisturised and the flavours are amazing! The only disappointing thing about this product is the pigmentation of these lip balms, they are a little bit pigmented but not that much.

Thank you very much for reading


Tuesday 24 September 2013


Hello There,
I'm a sixteen year old girl from south wales who loves makeup, photography,media and life! I've decided to make this blog where I will be posting as much as I can. It will feature makeup, life posts and anything I fancy. I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!
This is me in a wedding last June.